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Financial Information

Malteser International uses donations and all funds entrusted to it economically, efficiently, and in a goal-oriented manner. Our independently audited financial statements have consistently shown that administration and management costs remain within an objectively appropriate limit. In line with our commitment to transparency, every year, we give account about our finances, our donors and how and where donations are utilised. These details are published in our annual reports as well as on our website.

Funding sources: These were our supporters in 2023

Malteser International Europe’s total income amounted to € 108.5 million in 2023 (previous year: € 95.4 million). Compared to the previous year, this is an increase of 14 percent. Thanks to the highly valued trust of our public and private donors and the strong support of Malteser Hilfsdienst e. V., a steady increase in income is evident over the past few years.

Public grants amounted to € 68.5 million. The majority of this was received from the German government, at € 57.2 million, € 9.4 million from the European Union and € 1.9 million from the United Nations.

We received € 18.4 million via donations and the international Order of Malta network. Our coalition Aktion Deutschland Hilft helped us raise an additional € 18.9 million.

Around € 2.7 million came from foundations and other NGOs.

Our total expenditure: High project spending with low administrative costs

The total volume implemented in 2023 amounted to € 104.8 million, an increase of around 19 percent compared to the previous year. The share of project expenditure amounted to € 98.1 million. At around € 6 million, management and administrative costs account for around six percent of total expenditure. Compared to the previous year, this share of administrative costs is at a constant level.

Malteser International Europe uses all entrusted funds sparingly, efficiently and purposefully to fulfill its tasks. Projects started in the current year are continued in the following years in line with a sustainable approach. Earmarked donations and grants that could not be spent in the financial year are allocated to liabilities. They are available again in the following year and invested in corresponding projects.

2023 Program overview

In 2023, Malteser International Europe was able to reach people in need in 35 countries with offers of support. Geographically, the operational focus was on the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. In addition, Malteser International ran global projects, for example on the topics of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and disability-inclusive disaster
risk reduction. In the Middle East and Africa in particular, program expenditure rose sharply compared to the previous year. In Europe, the Ukraine aid continues to account for a large proportion.

Balanced sheet 2023

Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2023

Income statement for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023

The information printed here has been prepared by Malteser International. The financial report audited by PWC financial report can be found under the following link:


Malteser International uses donations and all funds entrusted to it economically, efficiently, and in a goal-oriented manner. Our independently audited financial statements have consistently shown that administration and management costs remain within an objectively appropriate limit. In line with our commitment to transparency, every year, we give account about our finances, our donors and how and where donations are utilised. These details are published in our annual reports as well as on our website.

Funding sources: These were our supporters in 2022

In this overview, we present the financial report of Malteser International Europe as a division of Malteser Hilfsdienst e. V. as of December 31, 2022. Malteser International's total revenue in 2022 was around € 95.4 million (previous year: € 86.9 million). Public sector grants amounted to € 66.4 million. The majority of this was received from the German government, at € 61.7 million, € 3.5 million from the European Union, € 670 thousand from the United Nations and around € 530 thousand from the USA.

Projects initiated in the current year will be continued in the following years, following a sustainable approach. Designated donations and grants that could not be expended in the fiscal year will be recorded as liabilities. They will be available again in the following year and will be invested in relevant projects.

We received around € 18.4 million via donations and the international Order of Malta network. Our coalitions Aktion Deutschland Hilft (€ 9.6 million ) and Nachbar in Not (€ 50.7 thousand) helped us raise an additional € 9.6 million.

Around € 972 thousand came from foundations, companies and other NGOs.

Our total expenditure: High project spending with low administrative costs

The total amount implemented in 2022 was € 87.6 million. The share of project expenditure amounted to € 82.4 million. Adjustments of € 1.25 million were made to project contracts. Such reductions in project contracts are necessary if not all project components can be implemented due to existing risks (war, uprisings, epidemics, etc.).

Malteser International uses all entrusted funds economically, efficiently and in a goal-oriented manner to fulfill its tasks. At around € 4 million, management and administrative expenses were again at the level of the previous year.

2022 Program overview

In 2022, we were able to reach people in need in 36 countries with our aid. Regionally, the focus of our work was on Africa (€ 25.5 million project volume), the Middle East (€ 19.1 million project volume), Asia (€ 15.8 million project volume), Europe (€ 15.7 million project volume) and the Americas (€ 3.9 million project volume).

In terms of content, our work continued to focus on health, accounting for around 40.4 percent of the total volume. Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) projects accounted for around 15 percent of total volume in 2022.

Balanced sheet 2022

Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2022

Income statement for January 1 through December 31, 2022 (in euros)

The information printed here has been prepared by Malteser International. The financial report audited by PWC financial report can be found under the following link:


Malteser International's total revenue of € 91.1 million in 2021 decreased by 13.4 percent compared to the previous year (€ 105.2 million). This was largely due to the conclusion of a four-year contract to build and strengthen health structures and local agriculture in Lebanon, which was already recorded in 2020 at € 28.4 million.

Revenues from public sector grants amounted to 73 million (88.2 million in 2020), including € 62.3 million from the German government, 5.8 € million from the European Union, € 3.1 million from the USA and around € 1.6 million from the United Nations.

Around € 9.5 million came from individual donors and the international Order of Malta network as well as other revenue such as adjustments of partner contracts, sales revenues, exchange gains, income from the release of provisions. Our coalitions helped us raise € 4.3 million, thanks in large part to the support of Aktion Deutschland Hilft - Germany's Relief Coalition. We received a sum of € 4.3 million through funding from foundations and other non-governmental organizations.

Download Annual Report 2021

Revenue and project volume development

In 2021, we spent a total of € 87.4 million on our program activities. Funds not applied in a given fiscal year are transferred to liabilities and earmarked for projects in the following year. Surpluses were transferred to the reserves. Contract adjustments amounted to reductions in project funding totaling € 2.7 million. These adjustments to protect contracts are necessary, if, for example, project components of the project cannot be implemented due to risks such as war, insurgency or epidemics. Malteser International uses all entrusted funds economically, efficiently and in a goal-oriented manner to fulfill its tasks while working to ensure that administration and management costs remain proportional to the project expenses. At around € 3.7 million, management and administrative costs were slightly below the level of the previous year.

Balanced sheet 2021

Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2021

Income statement for January 1 through December 31, 2021 (in euros)

The information printed here has been prepared by Malteser International. The financial report audited by PWC financial report can be found under the following link:


2020 Overview

Malteser International’s 2020 revenue rose to € 105.2 million – up from € 80.3 million in the previous year. This was largely due to the signing of a € 28.4 million contract at the end of 2020 for the four-year program to support healthcare and agriculture in Lebanon.

Revenues from public-sector grants amounted to € 88.2 million (€ 33.9 million in 2019), including € 80.8 million from the German government, € 1 million from the United Nations and around € 840.000 from the USA.

Around € 13.1 million came from individual donors and the international Order of Malta network as well as other revenue such as adjustments of partner contracts, sales revenues, exchange gains, income from the release of provisions. Our coalitions and donation campaigns helped us raise € 2.9 million, thanks in large part to the support of Aktion Deutschland Hilft - Germany's Relief Coalition. We received a sum of € 1.06 million through funding from foundations and other non-governmental organizations.

Download Annual Report 2020

Revenue and project volume development

In 2020, we spent a total of € 73.9 million on our program activities. Funds not applied in a given fiscal year are transferred to liabilities and earmarked for projects in the following year. Surpluses were transferred to the reserves. Contract adjustments amounted to reductions in project funding totaling € 400,000. These adjustments to project contracts are necessary, if, for example, project components of the project cannot be implemented due to COVID-19 (or other risks, such as war, insurgency, etc.). Malteser International uses all entrusted funds economically, efficiently and in a goal-oriented manner to fulfill its tasks while working to ensure that administration and management costs remain proportional to the project expenses. At around 4 million euros, management and administrative costs remained the same as in the previous year.

2020 Program overview

In 2020, Malteser International worked on more than 130 projects reaching people in need across 32 countries. In the Middle East, we delivered € 25.7
million worth of aid. Our program funding for Africa and Asia totaled € 25.3 million and € 15.2 million respectively. In the Americas, we provided assistance
to the tune of € 7.5 million. Healthcare remains the largest sector of our work, accounting for more than half of the total program funding (54.5 percent).

Balanced sheet 2020

The consolidated balance sheet of Malteser International comprises the accounts of the three entities: Malteser International e.V. with headquarters in Cologne, Germany, Malteser International Americas Inc. (Order of Malta Worldwide Relief Malteser International Americas Inc.) with headquarters in New York, and Malteser International Europe. Malteser International Europe is a legally dependent division of Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. with its own financial statement. The internal transactions of the three entities are eliminated in the combined balance sheet. For the sake of transparency, we prepared the financial statement to reflect the individual balance sheet of the three entities as well as an overall view of Malteser International’s accounts.

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