We work together with partners to draw attention to topics of concern, and support one another in contributing to the field of humanitarian aid. In order to ensure a continual improvement in our activities, we work in close collaboration with other organizations as a member of various international and national networks and groupings. These include:
ADH - Germany's Relief Coalition
ADH is a coalition of German relief agencies. The goal of this group is to ensure an even more efficient use of donated money, and to encourage cooperation to provide people in need with rapid and effective aid.
Disability inclusive DRR network
Malteser International is a founding member of the DiDRRN, whose members are working to ensure that people with disability can better shape the future of DDR through best-practice projects on a local level, national-level advocacy work, and international engagement.

International Network to Promote Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage
An offshoot of the WHO, the mission of HWTS is to contribute to a significant reduction in waterborne disease, especially among vulnerable populations by promoting household water treatment and safe storage as a key component of water, sanitation and hygiene programmes.
VENRO is the umbrella organisation of development non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Germany. The organisation was founded in 1995 and consists of around 120 organisations. Their backgrounds lie in independent and church-related development co-operation, humanitarian aid as well as education, public relations and advocacy.
‘WASH’ stands for ‘Water, Sanitation and Hygiene’. The German WASH Network brings together 18 German NGOs from the fields of emergency and interim humanitarian aid in order to cooperate in the field of international development.
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) were developed through an inclusive process, with input from UN agencies, NGOs and Universities. The Guidelines help to plan, establish and coordinate a set of minimum multi-sectoral responses to protect, support and improve people’s mental health and psychosocial wellbeing during emergencies.
Global Health Cluster (World Health Organisation)
The Global Health Cluster (GHC), under the leadership of the World Health Organization, is made up of more than 40 international humanitarian health organizations that have been working together to build partnerships and mutual understanding, and to develop common approaches to humanitarian health action.
CHS Alliance
Formed in 2015 by the merger of HAP International and People In Aid, the CHS Alliance improves the effectiveness and impact of assistance to crisis-affected and vulnerable people, by working with humanitarian and development actors on quality, accountability and people management initiatives.
NGO Voice
Voice stands for Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies. It is a network representing 84 European non governmental organisations (NGOs) active in humanitarian aid worldwide. VOICE is the main NGO interlocutor with the European Union on emergency aid and disaster risk reduction.
QUAMED's objective is to contribute towards improving access to quality medicines by raising awareness among the key players involved in the pharmaceutical supply system and by reinforcing the quality assurance systems and supply procedures of its partners.
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance is an open international alliance with members who share a common vision on sustainable sanitation and are dedicated to understanding viable and sustainable sanitation solutions.
Other Organisations:
• AKME - Arbeitskreis Medizinische Entwicklungshilfe (Medical Deveopment Aid Working Group)
• KAHH - Koordinierungsausschuss Humanitäre Hilfe (German Foreign Office Coordinating Committe on Humanitarian Aid)
• KANK - Katholischer Arbeitskreis Not- und Katastrophenhilfe (Catholic Emergency and Disaster Relief Working Group)