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Asia and the Pacific is the world’s most disaster-prone region. The region is vulnerable to earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tsunamis, volcanoes, drought and food shortages. Moreover, more than one quarter of the world’s conflicts occur in Asia. The region hosts 3.3 million refugees.

Despite some Asian countries have shown enormous economic, the region remains home to two-thirds of the world’s poor. Especially marginalized groups have only limited access to safe water services and sanitation, to health care and education and only limited income possibilities. These vulnerable groups are the ones most affected by crises and are not able to break out of the vicious cycle of poverty.

Moreover, Asia is one of the world’s most vulnerable regions to climate change. It is already affecting the region and has the high potential to hinder seriously the Asia-Pacific’s sustainable development. Furthermore, the environmental degradation caused by economic development, urbanization, resource depletion, is a huge challenge, and created already significant environmental health hazards for the population.

In Asia Malteser International works currently in 10 countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines and Indonesia). MI in Asia aims at alleviating suffering after/during humanitarian crisis and natural disasters, reducing vulnerabilities and strengthening resilience, empowering people, communities and local actors and contribute to sustainable development using integrated, cross-sectoral, inclusive, community-led and people-centered approaches.

We offer innovative solutions and give advice in WASH, Health, Food Nutrition Security/Livelihood (FNSL), Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation.

Examples of our projects in Asia:

Cross-regional project:

ToGETHER – promoting the localization of humanitarian action

We have been committed to strengthening local actors and thus increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian aid. Together with strong partners, we support eight countries and 40 local partner organizations in a joint localization program (ToGETHER!), fostering capacity building in emergency aid and crisis prevention, coordination and finances, and representation of their interests. Malteser International has the operational lead in two of the participating countries: Myanmar and Bangladesh.

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Womenpreneurs4Plastic: protecting environment and empowering women

With our cross-regional project "Womenpreneurs4Plastic," we address the causes of the plastic problem and support women in India, Indonesia, Nepal and the Philippines on their way to a self-determined life. In "Womenpreneurs4Plastic" groups, marginalized women are involved in the entire value chain of plastic recycling. The women can thus generate sustainable income, learn entrepreneurial skills and protect the environment at the same time.

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We have completed our work in:

Responsible for our projects in Asia:

Cordula Wasser
Head of Regional Group Asia
Tel: +49-(0)221-9822-7230
Email: cordula.wasser(at)malteser-international.org

Help to give people in need the chance of a life in health and dignity!
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