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Support our work for people in need in India!


India has seen great progress in recent years, for example, in the fight against poverty and the reduction of malnutrition rates. According to UNDP, 415 million people have lifted themselves out of poverty within 15 years (between 2005/2006 and 2019/2021). India's rural areas and its poorest states are experiencing the fastest decline of poverty.

But challenges remain. A large part of the population continues to live below the official poverty line, faces severe food insecurity and lacks access to sanitation and clean water. In addition, the country is highly prone to climate-related natural disasters such as floods and droughts, which exacerbate the situation of people in need.

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In close partnership with the UNNATI and Pro Vision, we are particularly committed to fighting poverty among disadvantaged population groups in the states of Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. Taking on a holistic approach, our aim is to break the cycle of poverty and dependency and to improve people's living conditions as well as food security. In addition to preventative measures designed to strengthen people’s resilience against future disasters, we are addressing the plastic problem by its root and support women on their journey to a self-determined life in our “Womenpreneurs4Plastic” project, which also spans across several countries.

News from India:

Empowering Young Change-Makers

Vast stretches of arid and sandy terrain and scorching temperatures characterize the Thar Desert, a unique and challenging landscape located in northwest India. Rainfall is a rare visitor, making it one of the most inhospitable environments in the country. The extreme climate and geographical conditions of the Thar Desert have a significant impact on the lives of the people, particularly vulnerable women who face social constraints and limited opportunities. Despite these challenges, around 100 girls aged 15 to 19 are now emerging as catalysts for positive change within their communities. In partnership with the local organization UNNATI (Organisation for Development Education), they have received specialized training to become nutritionists and WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) officers in order to share their valuable knowledge with girls and women in their village.

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Sustainable plastic management in Asia

Dense palm trees line the shore, the beach lies picturesquely in a small bay on the edge of the town of Agasthiswaram in the state of Tamil Nadu. But the idyll is deceptive: here at the southern tip of India, where the Gulf of Mannar and the Arabian Sea meet, one of Asia's biggest environmental problems cannot be overlooked: Empty packaging, bottles and fishing nets are floating in the sea. Fish stocks - and thus the livelihood of many people in the region - are already acutely endangered. In our project countries India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Nepal, we have launched a new project together with long-standing local partner organizations that addresses the plastic problem, creates local structures for waste disposal and recycling, and at the same time offers women new income opportunities.

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Completed projects:

Our work in India

Project regions: Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu

Partner: UNNATI, Pro Vision


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