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Media Library

The media library provides access to our publications like the annual report, leafleats and brochures, guidelines, our newsletter, specialized publications, US publications and publications in Spanish.

Image and video material is available on request. Please observe our information regarding image rights and usage.

Image rights

All pictures provided by Malteser International are free of charge and can be used for media coverage on Malteser International. Please mention "Malteser International" as image source. All image rights are held by Malteser International. This regulation does not apply to pictures marked otherwise.


Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org

Annual reports

Current and past annual reports

In line with our commitment to transparency and responsible action, we regularly provide an account of our work in our annual report. We are open about how we finance our work, where donations are used and how exactly we help people around the world. We also report on other topics, focal points and events that have accompanied us over the past year, as well as on the development of our organization. 

Current figures and successes show that your donation is making a difference. Together, we can work to improve the lives of people affected by natural disasters, armed conflicts or other crises. Read more about the results of our work in our annual reports. 

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Leaflets and brochures

Our Newsletters in 2025

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Specialized publications:

Workplace Investigation Quick Guide

Developed in collaboration between Malteser International Integrity Management and Roland Hassel Consulting, the Workplace Investigation Quick Guide sets Malteser International’s standards for workplace investigations and emphasizes our zero-tolerance approach to inaction on reports of suspected fraud, corruption, and violations of our Code of Conduct.

Initially intended to inform our staff about workplace investigation processes in the light of the "Do No Harm" principle, we soon recognized that this critical topic remains underrepresented in the humanitarian sector. To help bridge this gap, we are making the Quick Guide freely available to other organizations and anyone interested in conducting fair and professional workplace investigations.

You can download the Workplace Investigation Quick Guide for free using the button below. For additional insights on how to read and apply the guide, watch the video.

Download "Workplace Investigation Quick Guide"

Introducing Anticipatory Action: A Feasibility Study for Malteser International

In 2023, we started an exploration into Anticipatory Action, commissioning the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) to conduct a study to determine the feasibility of integrating Anticipatory Action into our humanitarian work.

Anticipatory Action refers to proactive measures taken in anticipation of crises or disasters, aiming to reduce risks, mitigate impacts, and enhance resilience before a disaster or crisis occurs. This approach involves early warning systems and direct interventions aimed at addressing vulnerabilities and strengthening community capacities to cope with upcoming emergencies and future challenges. Anticipatory Action contrasts with traditional reactive approaches, which respond to crises after they have already occurred.

After extensive research and analysis that covered talks with national representatives of civil proction services, local and international partners, experts and researchers on the topic, the study reveals key insights into opportunities, challenges, and pathways for integration of anticipatory action at Malteser International's global programs, confirming Anticipatory Action as a practical strategy, in line with our vision, mission and strategic goals. By contributing to existing Anticipatory Action frameworks and leveraging existing networks, we can maximize impacts and minimize risks. Lessons learned from Anticipatory Action efforts in Bangladesh, Kenya, Pakistan, and Uganda have the potential to aid Malteser International in its pilot projects or project adaptations globally. We are convinced that the study's findings will benefit other organizations seeking to implement Anticipatory Action.

Contact: Rebekka Goeke, rebekka.goeke(at)malteser-international.org

Including Persons with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction: A Research Study from Eight Countries of Africa, Asia, and South/Central America

In 2021, a consortium of Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. (ASB), Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), Christian Blind Mission (CBM), International Disability Alliance (IDA), and Malteser International (MI) commissioned a study on disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction (DiDRR) policy and practice across eight countries of Africa, Asia, and South/Central America.

The study describes progress, gaps, and identified good practices in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 2015-2030 and concludes with recommendations to support improved disability-inclusive DRR. The study design, data collection, and analysis were based on the 10 key inclusion criteria aligning closely with the Sendai Framework:

  • Disaggregated data
  • Inclusive risk assessment and planning
  • Inclusive risk communication
  • Supportive governance/policies
  • Direct representation of persons with disabilities in DRR
  • Investments in disability-inclusive DRR
  • Accessibility
  • Meaningful participation of persons with disabilities and Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in DRR
  • Leadership of persons with disabilities in DRR
  • Inclusive partnership

Archive of specialized publications:


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