The structure of Malteser International
Malteser International is the relief agency of the Sovereign Order of Malta. Malteser International’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of suffering and displaced people around the world. In this regard, Malteser International contributes to fulfill the Sovereign Order of Malta’s perennial mission “Tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum” (i. e. nurturing, witnessing, and protecting the faith, and serving the poor and the sick).
Malteser International has two organizational units with their own structures that carry out programs and relief operations: Malteser International Europe (a division of Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V.) based in Cologne, Germany, and Malteser International Americas based in New York, USA.
Both organizations are connected by an international board consisting of experts from the Sovereign Order of Malta worldwide (who hold their position on a voluntary basis). This board is elected by 27 Order of Malta Associations, who also contribute financially to the work of Malteser International. The international board is elected for a four-year term and anchors Malteser International within the Order of Malta, while guaranteeing its neutrality and independence as a humanitarian organization.
The full-time Secretary General is responsible for operational management of the organization.
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The Board of Directors, which is elected for a four-year term, consists of the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, and up to two additional elected members, as well as the representatives from the regional branches in Europe and the Americas, and from the Asia-Pacific region. The Board of Directors works on a purely voluntary basis and is responsible for approving the financial plans and the annual budget, as well as commissioning the financial auditing of the annual accounts. The Board of Directors bears the overall responsibility for the organization’s operative tasks. The Board of Malteser International e.V. consists of:
(United Kingdom)
Vice President
Bishop of Troyes (France)
President, Malteser International Europe
President, Malteser International Americas (USA)
The salaried Secretary General manages the organization’s General Secretariat. He is responsible for the operational management activities in line with the financial plan and the annual budget. The presidents of the Board of Directors nominate the Secretary General. The Secretary General is responsible for preparing meetings of the Board, and takes an advisory part in these meetings. The management of Malteser International presently consists of:
The current membership of Malteser International consists of 27 National Associations and Priories of the Order of Malta, who actively support the organization within their jurisdictions. Currently, both regional branches in Europe and the Americas serve as associate members. Their representatives, together with the Board of Directors, the Grand Hospitaller of the Order of Malta, the Chaplain, the Secretary General and the Vice-Secretary General form the General Assembly: the organization’s highest decision-making body. The General Assembly is responsible for electing and discharging the Board of Directors, accepting the annual accounts, ordering financial audits as well as passing amendments to the by-laws. The President convokes the General Assembly once a year. The following associations and priories of the Order of Malta are presently members of Malteser International:
Australia Belgium Bohemia Germany France UK Ireland | Italy Canada Colombia Cuba Lebanon Malta Mexico | Netherlands Austria Philippines Poland Portugal Switzerland Scandianavia | Singapore Spain Hungary American (USA) Federal (USA) Western (USA) |
Branches of Malteser International
Erna-Scheffler-Str. 2
51103 Cologne
Phone: +49 221 9822-7101
Fax: +49 221 9822-7498
Johannesgasse 2
1010 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 512 72 44
Fax: +43 1 513 92 90
Americas/New York
1011 First Avenue, Suite 1322
New York,
NY 10022
Phone: +1 646 794 3457
Fax: +1 646 794 3459