Volunteer “Pool of Experts” for Emergency Relief
Malteser International has set itself the goal of being able to provide rapid and comprehensive humanitarian aid to those affected by (natural) disasters worldwide. For this purpose, we have established the "Pool of Experts" with trained and experienced volunteers who are sent to disaster affected regions of the world. From setting up a water treatment plant to coordinating a refugee camp to providing acute medical care in an emergency ambulance, these teams make an irreplaceable contribution to people in need.
The Pool of Experts is one of Malteser International’s key tools to respond to international disasters and deliver humanitarian assistance to people rapidly and effectively. In case of a disaster, like an earthquake or tsunami, PoE members are usually deployed within the first 72 hours if possible and remain in the affected country for approximately one to four weeks, depending on requirements.
There are several deployment options: Logisticians could be deployed to facilitate the shipment of relief goods into a country. Nurses or doctors might work alongside national hospital staff and provide on-the-job training.
During a deployment, we always work closely with the affected population, and coordinate with local authorities and international bodies such as the United Nations. The first people to help after a disaster are the local people and local staff should be employed for any work where possible. We support affected people in their efforts to mobilize resources and assist their peers and themselves.
Who are the volunteer experts?
In addition to selected Malteser International employees, members of the Pool of Experts are primarily external experts who are available for emergency relief operations worldwide and have special expertise. In general, they have a university degree or vocational training in relevant fields and have sufficient professional experience. Relevant professional fields are, for example
- Physicians
- Health care and nursing staff
- Midwives
- Emergency medical service personnel (e.g., paramedics)
- Specialists in logistics and in the technical field (e.g., water supply and sanitation/WASH)
- Finance and administration staff
- Professionals in the field of public health or mental health (e.g. health professionals, psychologists, trauma therapists)
- Experts in Safety & Security
Qualified volunteers have completed at least the Emergency Response Induction Training, which is essential for deployment and further training with us. The trainings cover the fundamentals of humanitarian cooperation, stress management, safety and security, along with optional specialized training in areas such as health and logistics. Strong intercultural skills and physical and mental resilience are essential. The emergency relief deployments require short-term availability, so experts must coordinate their participation in advance with both their personal and professional commitments. Loss of salary costs cannot be reimbursed, and the agreements are made individually between the volunteers and their employers.
We currently have no vacancies for the pool of experts. Should new opportunities arise, they will be published in our job portal. In order to ensure a fair and standardized selection process, we are unable to accept unsolicited applications.