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Bringing health and nutrition to people displaced by conflict in Pakistan

North-west Pakistan has been in the grip of a crisis since 2007. Running conflicts mean that there are always at least some families on the run from violence. There are currently thought to be some 200,000 internally-displaced people in the region. Temporarily displaced families usually take shelter in the host communities of Bannu and Peshawar. In order to support basic healthcare and nutrition for both these communities and the displaced people they take in, Malteser International and its Pakistani partner organization cooperate to support fifteen healthcare facilities in Bannu and Peshawar.

Political, religious, and ethnic conflicts over power and autonomy have led to years of civil conflict in north-west Pakistan. For the people displaced by these conflicts, a severe lack of medical care and attention, and an often-alarmingly poor state of nutrition, particularly among children and nursing mothers, pose severe threats to health.

To improve the availability of basic healthcare and good nutrition for displaced people and their host communities, with a special focus on mothers and young children. 

Providing basic healthcare at a total of 15 healthcare facilities with a focus on mother-child health and malnutrition

Capacity building for healthcare providers and health authorities in the fields of emergency preparedness, basic healthcare, and nutrition

Awareness-raising events for target groups within the fields of sanitation, basic healthcare, and malnutrition, with a special focus on pregnant and nursing women, as well as on mothers of young children

Improving the patient transfer system between healthcare facilities

Country info

Capital: Islamabad
Area: 796,095 km²
Population: c. 225.2 m

Project data

Project duration: May 2016 - December 2017
Donor: ECHO, Germany's Relief Coalition (Akion Deutschlad Hilft - ADH)

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