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Disaster risk reduction for coastal communities

An extremely poor region lacking in coping capacity, Sindh - Pakistan’s southernmost province, is very vulnerable to the flooding, drought, earthquakes and severe storms from which it often suffers. In collaboration with our partner, the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF), Malteser International has been working in Sindh since May 2015 to help the local population to prepare better for such natural disasters. The project is targeted at 56 coastal villages that are located in areas especially threatened by the effects of climate change and natural disasters.

Soil erosion caused by salting and overuse of the mangroves is a particular problem that threatens to worsen the already severe poverty of the inhabitants, who struggling against a dearth of income generating opportunities. The specialist knowledge and capacity required to respond effectively to the challenges of natural disasters is extremely rare, and the basic infrastructure required to do so is often simply not there. Through intense information and training campaigns, Malteser International is giving local people the capacity to respond appropriately to natural disasters themselves. Along with measures for disaster risk reduction, the project supports the creation of new income opportunities for locals through vocational training.

Strengthen the resilience and quality of life of particularly vulnerable coastal communities in the Thatta district of Sindh Province by improving disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation activities, as well as introducing income generating measures:

  • Raising awareness and providing training to coastal communities on the topics of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.
  • Strengthening state and civil society structures to provide services in the fields of disaster risk reduction and livelihood improvement measures.
  • Building up disaster and climate change resilient basic production and social infrastructure.
  • Foundation and training of disaster risk reduction committees on a village and community level.
  • Creation of emergency plans and early warning systems.
  • Support for the establishment of new sources of revenue.
  • Vocational training measures for young people and the establishment of new trades.
  • Creation of a community fund.
  • Establishment of a disaster risk reduction fund.
  • Training of district and community master trainers.
  • Integration of disaster risk reduction in government development plans.
  • Improvement of land use.
  • Establishment of a mangrove nursery.
  • Recultivation of mangroves.

Country info

Capital: Islamabad
Area: 796,095 km²
Population: c. 182.1 Million

Project data

Project duration: since May 2015
Donors: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, private donors
Partner: Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum 

Last updated: July 2016

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