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Preparing Syrian refugees for jobs in Istanbul
For many refugees, a job and a source of income are one of the essential conditions for breaking out of poverty and finding a place for themselves in their new communities. Our partner organization, The Orient Face in Istanbul is dedicated to helping Syrian refugees in Istanbul improve their vocational skills and integrate into the Turkish labour market.
As an implementing partner, we are supporting The Orient Face with the management of a training centre in Istanbul where about 1,600 refugees benefit from vocational trainings and job counselling.
Many Syrian refugees are unemployed and are facing poverty. Apart from the language barrier, many refugees have low or no qualifications and know too little about the Turkish labour market and what they can do to improve their prospects. Moreover, poor living conditions have caused many to take up low-paying illegal jobs that come with no social security.
Back home, the toll of the civil war has inevitably caused an education crisis. If the refugees were to return home, the poor state of education would create another area of concern. as well-trained young people will be urgently needed to rebuild Syria after many years of war.
- Psychosocial support and empowerment measures
- Integration into the Turkish labour market
2,000 refugees receive training to enter the labour market. The refugees will be able to further their education in Turkish language, fashion design, sewing, hairdressing, cell phone maintenance, information technology and cooking.
1,000 refugees receive the psychosocial support they need through individual or group therapy.
180 refugees receive vocational assistance for better orientation in the Turkish labour market
The Orient Face: A Partner for new prospects
Country info
Capital: Ankara
Area: 783,562 km²
Population: approx. 80.8 million
Project data
Financing: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), private donations
Partner: The Orient Face