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Cologne/Idlib.  Malteser International is urging the international community not to forget the suffering of children in Syria as the country…

Cologne/Erbil. Pope Francis will visit Iraq from March 5 to March 8 in his first foreign trip since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. During the…

The recent political developments in Myanmar have had implications for Malteser International’s humanitarian operations in the country.

"The state of…

Cologne/Juba.  Ongoing conflicts, flooding and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to 6.35 million people in South Sudan being threatened by…

While vaccination against COVID-19 is already underway in Germany, the United States of America (US) and the United Kingdom (UK), more than half of…

Malteser International has offered to support emergency response efforts in Croatia after a series of earthquakes and aftershocks in the last weeks.

COLOGNE. As cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) rise in Northwest Syria, Malteser International is calling for increased capacity and support…

Ingo Radtke hands over to Clemens Graf von Mirbach-Harff

Cologne. After more than twenty years as the operational head of Malteser International,…

“Every year, weather extremes such as droughts, tropical cyclones or floods cause great human suffering. As a result of climate change, these…

The coronavirus pandemic is worsening existing food insecurity in several African countries. According to a report by the UN World Food Programme,…


Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org

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