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Floods in Pakistan: Medical teams in action against epidemics

More than 33 million people are affected by the floods in Pakistan. Photo: Malteser International

Malteser International provides tents, cash and medical aid to the most affected families. Photo: Malteser International

Cologne/Islamabad. After the heavy rains in the past months, more than 33 million people in Pakistan are affected by floods. Malteser International provides 100,000 Euros for first emergency relief measures. "The situation in the flooded areas, like in Sindh province, is devastating. Heavy rains have started in June and now diseases such as cholera threaten to break out. Together with our partner, we are going to send mobile medical teams to the most affected regions to prevent the spread of epidemics. We are also going to distribute tents, medicines and cash to 6,000 particularly vulnerable families in the districts of Sanghar and Mirpur Khas," says Cordula Wasser, Head of the Asia Department of Malteser International.

In the past weeks, volunteers trained by Malteser International have assisted in rescue operations and in the evacuation of families in the severely affected province of Sindh. In training sessions, the volunteers were trained to warn the population of disasters at an early stage and to accompany people to higher grounds during floods. In addition, the teams were equipped with tents, tarpaulins and hygiene kits for emergencies.

According to the Pakistani government, this year's monsoon rains are the heaviest in 30 years. One million houses have already been destroyed or damaged. One in seven inhabitants of the South Asian country has been affected by the floods. The country's government has appealed for international assistance.

Attention editors:
Cordula Wasser, Head of the Asia Department of Malteser International is available for interviews and sound bites.
Operator: +49 (0)221 98227 181, katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org


Ihr Kontakt

Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org


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