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New Order of Malta humanitarian aid delivery reaches Gaza

Colleagues from the partner parish in Gaza distribute food and other relief supplies to 1,000 families. Photo: Malteser International

Rome/Cologne. Following the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Sovereign Order of Malta a new aid delivery has reached the Palestinian population in northern Gaza. The vital relief supplies were handed over to the parish of Gaza City and are being distributed to people in need.

"The situation of the population in Gaza can hardly be put into words. There is a lack of everything. As we hear from our contact persons in the Parish in Gaza City, not a single intact building is left in the surroundings of their compound, and the entire Gaza Strip is a picture of devastation and massive destruction. Access to essential supplies is restricted. We are more than grateful that, thanks to the cooperation with the Latin Patriarchate, the Order of Malta was able to send another humanitarian aid delivery to support the people on the ground," says Dr. Thomas Weiss, Head of Middle East Department at Malteser International, the Order of Malta’s international Relief agency.

The boxes with relief goods consist of hygiene items and non-perishable food items, like pasta, salt, sugar, dry milk, rice and cooking oil and were handed over for distribution to the partner parish in the north of Gaza. From there, they are being distributed to people from the surrounding neighborhood. In total 1,000 families (ca. 5,000 people we work with) will receive the aid.

While this humanitarian relief delivery has been successfully completed, further planning is already in progress. In addition to the provision of non-perishable food, the Order of Malta already works on ways to provide emergency medical care on the ground.

Learn more about our emergency relief in Gaza.

The affected people in Gaza are in urgent need of donations:
Malteser Hilfsdienst e. V.
IBAN: DE10 3706 0120 1201 2000 12
Keyword: "Humanitarian aid in Gaza"

Ihr Kontakt

Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org


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