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Uganda: At least 21 dead in severe floods

Nurses, a doctor and lifeguards from various local partner organizations are in Mbale to assist local rescue workers in rescuing and caring for those affected. Photo: Malteser International

Malteser International emergency relief team in action

Cologne/Mbale. Heavy rainfall in eastern Uganda have resulted in two rivers bursting their banks in the night from Saturday to Sunday. 21 people have already been recovered dead, hundreds are still missing. Coordinated by Malteser International, eight staff members of local organizations are supporting the rescue workers on site in recovery and rescue operations. The Ugandan Ministry of Health had asked Malteser International for support.

"What our colleagues are witnessing in Mbale is frightening. Bodies are still being recovered from the water and many people are still missing," says Roland Hansen, Head of the Africa Department at Malteser International.

The emergency relief team consists of a doctor, paramedics, nurses and lifeguards. The people on the ground receive additional support such as an ambulance, oxygen, medical consumables, medicines and tents.

"I am impressed by how quickly the staff of our local partner organizations, whom we trained, were on site. I would like to thank our partner hospital Lubaga and the associations Association of Ambulance Professionals Uganda and SwimSafe, who have already supported us in other missions," says Roland Hansen.

Since 2017, Malteser International has been working to improve emergency care and ambulance services, making them more accessible. The project is funded by the German government.

Attention editorial offices:
Roland Hansen, Head of the Africa Department of Malteser International is available for interviews and sound bites.
Operator: +49 (0)221 98227 181, katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org

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Ihr Kontakt

Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org


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